Not only can Botox injections temporarily reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, but they may also help with dark circles and bags under the eyes.
Botox is a medication that forbids the contractions of muscles which leads to wrinkles.
Despite this, Botox has not been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use under the eyes for cosmetic purposes. Furthermore, little research has looked into its effectiveness or side effects.
The primary ingredient in Botox that is responsible for its efficacy is botulinum toxin type A. Human albumin and sodium chloride are included as well, but they have less of an impact.
Botox is a neurotoxic protein that, when injected into muscles, temporarilydisable the ability of the nerve to stimulate muscle contraction. This creates a temporary smooth and relaxed look by reducing wrinkles.
Botox only creates a temporary fix for wrinkles in areas of the face that are frequently contracting. The most common places Botox is injected are between the eyebrows (glabellar lines), forehead, and crow’s feet by the sides of the eyes.
Although Botox is not a permanent solution to wrinkles, it will temporarily stop blocking the nerve impulses. A person will usually need additional injections every 3-6 months in order to maintain desired results.
The FDA have not approved injecting Botox to treat bags or dark circles under the eyes, which is considered an off-label use in the U.S.
Because of the lack of research, doctors are skeptical about how effective this treatment may be.
A 2003 study attempted to discover if Botox injections around and under the eyes could lessen the appearance of wrinkles in these areas. Nineteen female participants received injections; those injected in both lower eyelids and crow’s feet area were more likely to report favorable results than those who only received injections in their lower eyelids.
These results appear to show that Botox can make the lower eyelid look fuller and plumper, helping diminish wrinkles and pouching.
The cost of Botox treatment depends on your location and the specialist you visit. In addition to paying for the medication itself, you’ll also be charged for factors like the time required for the procedure, use of office space, and other materials used.
On average, Botox injections in the United States cost anywhere from $200 to $1,400. The price is also contingent on the location of the clinic.
It is wise to ask for a price estimate before getting Botox injections. A provider should be able tell you how much Botox will be used and an estimated timeframe for the injection process.
There is no full-scale research study on the safety of injecting Botox under eyes because the FDA have not approved it. Therefore, it is important to discuss potential side effects with your doctor before deciding on this treatment option.
Some potential risks associated with Botox include: